Vote for Evychey Craft [Direwolf20,24/7

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Votes 0
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Uptime 1.99 %

Survival PvP Legaal Versie 1.6.4


Server IP - version is 1.0.12 Direwolf 20

We also have our very own Teamspeak 3 Server. There you can talk with other Minecrafters, Admins, Moderators and also the Owners of the server if needed. The Owner will allways be on Teamspeak 3 unless he has work to do

PvP is enabled but PvP is only allowed to the other person you want to PvP with agrees to PvP with you PS:There will be events every week with amazing prizes so join now. :)

Teamspeak 3 IP - This server is new and waiting for new players so why not join today? This server has 500 slots, no lag, the server is online 24/7.

Plugins we use: CoreProtect BuyCraft ClearLag ColoredSigns Essentials Factions GriefPrevention LWC MultiWorld PermissionsEx WorldBoarder WorldEdit and some more....

Staff list: Owner: Switchess

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